Legend of the Five Rings (L5R).  Cards Shop section.
Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG : Nishimura

©  2025 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. Fantasy Flight Games and the FFG logo are ® of Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc.

All rights reserved.

Which has no affiliation with E.M. GAMES.

LEGEND OF THE FIVE RINGS (L5R) CCG : (AEG ERA) : Shop Introduction (Explanations and More) & VIDEOS :

=> Check out the Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG sub-menus in the main site menu above to make your purchases (AEG era)!

=> Consultez les sous-menus de Legend of the Five RIngs (L5R) CCG dans le menu principal du site au dessus pour faire vos achats (époque AEG )!

Explanations of the Shop L5R section of the Site :

AEG (Alderac Entertainment Group) Logo.
Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG

Older Dynasty Back cards.

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG

Older Fate Back cards.

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG

More recent Fate Back cards.

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG

More recent Dynasty Back cards.

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG

Old SOTE Back tokens, but as well Top Deck booster.


Hidden Emperor (Jade Arc) BUG.


Four Winds (Gold Arc) BUG.


Rain of Blood (Diamond Arc) BUG.


Age of Enlightenment (Lotus Arc) BUG.


Race for the Throne (Samurai Arc) BUG.

L5R CCG Celestial BUG

The Destroyer War (Celestial Arc) BUG.

L5R CCG Emperor BUG

Age of Conquest (Emperor Arc) BUG.


A Brother's Destiny (Ivory Arc) BUG.

L5R CCG Twenty Festivals BUG

A Brother's Destiny (Twenty Festivals) BUG.

Legend of the Five Rings (L5) CCG Eternity Bug

Eternity BUG.

About the search site engine (the site's magnifying glass) / A propos du moteur de recherche du site (la loupe) :

English Text:

1)apple banana
give the pages which contain the two words.

2)apple -banana
give the pages with apple, but without banana.

3)"pomme de reinette"
gives the pages that contain exactly the words pomme de reinette.

gives the pages that contain words beginning with ‘pom’ such as pommier or pompe.

5)Item reference.

It's as well possible to search a item with his reference number as for example: WCE12.


French Text:

1)pomme banane
donne les pages qui contiennent les deux mots.

2)pomme -banane
donner les pages avec pomme, mais sans banane.

3)"pomme de reinette"
donne les pages qui contiennent exactement les termes pomme de reinette.

Affiche les pages qui contiennent les mots commençant par "pom" comme pommier ou pompe.

5)Référence d'article.

Il est également possible de trouver un article avec son numéro de référence, par exemple: WCE12.

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG version (since 1995) is a collectible card game, set in a fantasy empire called Rokugan, based loosely upon medieval Japan and Japanese Mythology.


All cards are in English unless otherwise indicated.


* Rarity of a Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG card:

-A star is a Rare card (notify R in card's tile).

-A star surrounded by a circle is a “Fixed” Rare card, which only appears in a pre-constructed deck (notify Fixed in card's title).

-A diamond is an unusual card (notify U in card's title).

-A circle is a common card (notify C in cards' title).

-An inverted triangle is a promotional card n(notify Promo in card's title).

Note that, older expansions doesn't owns a rarity symbol, some FOIL card series may be “Curved” due to the printing process of the time.


These products must be ordered separately from all my After : The board game.
Thank you for your interest.


L5R extensions and editions are (in general) ordered (in addition to promotional series first) from the most recent at the top to the oldest at the bottom of the list, and always only for the AEG period.


* Notes about the game :

For various game formats, whether in tournaments or among friends, the cards (except Arc IE) have a small symbol usually printed in the bottom right-hand corner of the card (on the reverse side) which tells you whether the card is legal or playable in a particular format.
This is because the rules of the game vary according to the type of Arc, and not all cards are playable with all editions or extensions.
This little sign is called a BUG and tells you whether a particular card is compatible with the chosen game format.
Sometimes there are also two small BUG symbols, which obviously mean that a particular card is playable in two different formats.


* For your informations,here's the various L5R arc's names and with wich expansions/editions they are playable with :

1)"Clan Wars" (Imperial ARC).

Thoses cards doesn't owns a BUG.

=> Pre-Imperial, Imperial Edition, Shadowlands, Forbidden Knowledge, Emerald Edition, Battle of Beiden Pass BOX, Anvil of Despair, Crimson & Jade, Obsidian Edition, Time of the Void, Scorpion Clan Coup, Scroll 1 - 2 - 3 and Promo cards from this ERA.


2)"The Hidden Emperor" (Jade ARC).

=>Jade Edition, The Hidden Emperor, Episode 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6, The Hidden Emperor: The Dark Journey Home, Pearl Edition, Siege of Sleeping Mountain (L2P), Honor Bound, Ambition's Debt, Fire & Shadow, Top Deck Booster, Heroes of Rokugan, Soul of the Empire, Storms Over Matsu Palace (L2P), Spirit Wars and Promo cards from this ERA.


3)"Four Winds" (Gold ARC).

=>Gold Edition, A Perfect Cut, An Oni's Fury, Dark Allies, The L5R Experience (L2P), Broken Blades, 1,000 Years of Darkness, The Fall of Otosan Uchi, Heaven & Earth, Winds of Change and Promo cards from this ERA.


4)"Rain of Blood" (Diamond ARC).

=>Diamond Edition, Training Grounds (L2P), Reign of Blood, The Hidden City, Wrath of the Emperor, Dawn of the Empire (D2P), Web of Lies, Enemy of My Enemy, Code of Bushido and Promo cards from this ERA.


5)"Age of Enlightenment" (Lotus ARC).

=>Lotus Edition, Path of Hope, Drums of War, Training Grounds 2 (L2P), Test of Enlightenment (D2P), Rise of the Shogun, Khan's Defiance, Tomorrow (Foil), Lotus 2006 World Championship deck, The Truest Test and Promo cards from this ERA.


6)"Race for the Throne" (Samurai ARC).

=>Samurai Edition, Stronger than Steel, Test of the Emerald and Jade Championships (D2P), Honor's Veil, Words and Deeds, Samurai Edition Banzai (Reprint), The Heaven's Will, Glory of the Empire, The Imperial Gift 1, Death at Koten (D2P) and Promo cards from this ERA.


7)"The Destroyer War" (Celestial ARC).

=>Celestial Edition, The Imperial Gift 2, Path of the Destroyer, The Harbinger, Celestial Edition 15 (CE15 Reprint), The Plague War, The Imperial Gift 3, Battle of Kyuden Tonbo (L2P), Empire at War, The Dead of Winter, Before the Dawn, Forgotten Legacy (D2P), Second City and Promo cards from this ERA.


8)"Age of Conquest" (Emperor ARC).

=>Emperor Edition, Embers of War, The Shadow's Embrace (factory set), Seeds of Decay, Honor and Treachery (L2P), Emperor Edition: Gempukku (reprint), Torn Asunder, Coils of Madness, Gates of Chaos, Aftermath and Promo cards from this ERA.


9)"A Brother's Destiny" (Ivory ARC) / "A Brother's Destiny" (Twenty Festivals (20F)).

=>A Matter of Honor (L2P), Ivory Edition, The Coming Storm, A Line in the Sand, The New Order, The Currency of War (L2P), Twenty Festivals, Thunderous Acclaim, Evil Portents, The Blackest Storm and Promo cards from this ERA.


10)War of Honor multiplayer format Box (2011).


11)Onyx Edition 

That follow the stop of L5R products by AEG are various digital fan projects by some of the original CCG Designers (they still running).

12)Fantasy Flight Games ERA.

Cards are not present on site.


* Notes :


So we are both reassured and cover in case off problems.

Thanks for your understanding.

Check as well in case off, our general terms & conditions and delivery explanations.

Thank You.


* Legend of the Five Rings (CCG) : Some shop explanations and card research request :

The cards listed on the site are, of course, available directly...
But please note that if you have any requests for available cards (which would entail research and their possible subsequent creation on the site, etc.), my own game takes priority.
So to sum up, for a request for available cards, I'll either have the time to take care of it (so much the better for you in this case...), or it's possible that I won't have the time to take care of it at all (unfortunately and regretfully for you and me...)...
So it's a bit of a roll of the dice!

Mind you, I'm only concentrating on the AEG publishing.

I sometimes buy L5R CCG cards, but in limited quantities.

I don't grade my Legend of the Five rings cards except foil ones in regular editions.
Thank you in advance for your understanding.


Also check out my Buylist page on the site for my personal shopping requests and for shopping explanations between us!


Explications de la Partie Shop L5R du Site :

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) version CCG est un jeu de cartes à collectionner qui se déroule dans un empire fantastique appelé Rokugan, librement inspiré du Japon médiéval et de la mythologie japonaise.


Toutes les cartes sont en langue anglaise excepté s'il y a une annotation d'une autre langue.


* Rareté d'une carte Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG :

-Une étoile est une carte Rare (notifié R dans le titre de la carte).

-Une étoile entourée d'un cercle est une carte Rare dite "Fixed", cette carte n'apparaît uniquement que dans un deck préconstruit (notifié Fixed dans le titre de la carte).

-Un losange est une carte inhabituelle (notifié U dans le titre de la carte).

-Un rond est une carte commune (notifié C dans le titre de la carte).

-Un triangle inversé est une carte promotionnelle (notifié Promo dans le titre de la carte).

Notez que, les anciennes éditions ne possèdent pas de symboles de rareté, certaines séries de carte FOIL peuvent être "Curved" du au processus d'imprimerie de l'époque.


Ces produits doivent être commandés séparément de tous mes produits After : The Board Game.
Merci de votre intérêt.


Les extensions et édition L5R sont (en générales) classées (outre les séries promos en premiers) de la plus récente vers le haut à la plus ancienne vers le bas de la liste et ce toujours seulement pour la période de AEG (Cfr descriptif dans la partie anglaise ci-dessus).


* Notes :


Ainsi nous sommes à la fois rassurés et couverts en cas de problème.

Merci de votre compréhension.

Vérifiez le cas échéant nos conditions générales de vente et les explications relatives à la livraison.

Merci de votre compréhension.


*Legend of the Five Rings (CCG) : Quelques explications du shop et requêtes de recherches de cartes :

Les cartes sur le site sont bien sûr directement disponibles...

Mais attention, si vous avez des demandes diverses de stock de cartes disponible (ce qui entraînerait des recherches et leurs possibles créations ultérieures sur le site, etc.), mon propre jeu passe en priorité.
Donc en résumé, pour une demande de disponibilité de cartes, j'aurai soit le temps de m'en occuper (tant mieux pour vous dans ce cas-ci...), soit il est possible, que je n'aurai pas du tout le temps de m'en occuper (malheureusement et à regret pour vous et moi...)...
Cela se joue donc un peu au lancer de dé!

Attention, je ne me concentre et m'occupe que de la période de AEG.

J'achète parfois des cartes L5R CCG, mais en quantité limitée.

En cas de besoin, merci d'utiliser le lien contact en bas de cette page.

Vous pouvez également m'envoyer un fichier (liste des cartes demandées par exemple au format excel).

Je ne grade pas en qualité les cartes Legend of the Five Rings (CCG) exceptés les cartes Foil dans les éditions régulières.

Merci d'avance et merci de votre compréhension !


Vérifiez aussi ma page Buylist du site pour mes demandes personnelles d'achats et pour les explicatifs d'achats entre nous!


LEGEND OF THE FIVE RINGS (L5R) CCG : Stock Updates Notes. (30/01/2025) :


=>I must yet finish to classify all of my L5R CCG cards as well as update my own date base...

It's the most difficult ever CCG to collect but for sure one of the best ever!

So for it I do all relax from time to time ...

More stock will follow when I'm done with some rows and my collection.

More informations will follow as well. Thanks.


=>DAK / DOTE / E&JC / IG1 / IG2 / IG3 / TOE / FL / Ivory Edition / TSE have been listed,  BTD, SC, SOD ,COM ... will follow asap.

LEGEND OF THE FIVE RINGS (L5R) CGG  - Free Downloads & Ressources :

1 ) LEGEND OF THE FIVE RINGS (L5R) CCG - My Own Data Base :

Buzzy on, must finish to classify my own collection so not all is entered on site ... (Normaly it will be available for free in 2025). Thank You.

2 ) LEGEND OF THE FIVE RINGS (L5R) CCG - Sets (Resume) & The Clans Overview :

First ... big thanks for the various web sources works of each one to have thoses documents available for the L5R CCG community including the work of AEG and their archives.

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG  List of Sets
List Of Legend Of The Five Rings Sets Pdf
PDF – 180,9 KB 36 downloads


<= This Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG file has been taken from Wikipedia (Latest updates 2017).

There's perhaps some newer updates, so check as well perhaps Wikipedia in case off.

I think (for me...) there's missing each time all reprinted cards presents in decks from previously editions or expansions, the quantities of cards for some sets are not always good.

I call them myself R.C. cards.

Afa: in "Anvil of Despair" Preconstructed Decks some cards are reprinted from older expansions. So thoses cards are not present in Anvil of Despair expansion itself but they owns the same Layout design as AOD....

That's the case for mostly for older expansions and editions.

That's why sometimes my L5R CCG shop are subdivised for some expansions or editions in two parts, the usual expansion and the same expansions for thoses R.C. cards. The number of cards for them are not fixed (I try to fixed them with the time).

But this file is a great basic knowledge start!

Legend of the Fives Rings (L5R) CCG The Clans explanations
AEGL 5 R The Clansoverview Pdf
PDF – 45,0 KB 14 downloads

<= This Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG file has been taken from the AEG site (latest archives (20F ERA)).

It's the complete overview / presentation of each Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG clans.

Slightly different from the Fantasy Flight Games version.

(It's a rebuild text version (no pics / text formatage, authors unknow, etc...

3 ) LEGEND OF THE FIVE RINGS (L5R) CCG : Rules Books (Latest Ones) :

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) Card and Tournament Legality
AEG Cardantournamentlegality 20 F Pdf
PDF – 63,0 KB 17 downloads

<= Legend of the Five Rins (L5R) CCG : Twenty festival (20F) - AEG Archives : Card and Tournament Legalities (20F Update) - Text.

Notes :

For more rules (A.F.A. : Floor Rules / Floor Rules Judge (Code of Bushido) / Deck registration / blank copy of the official Deck List form, check point 7 bellow).

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG Twenty Festival Rules Book
Rulebook L 5 R Twenty Festivals Basic Rulebook Pdf
PDF – 2,6 MB 35 downloads


<= Legend of the Five Rins (L5R) CCG : Twenty festival (20F) Basic Rules Book - English.

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) Twenty Festival Advanced Rules Book
Rulebook L 5 R Twenty Festivals Adv Rulebook Pdf
PDF – 1,3 MB 22 downloads

<= Legend of the Five Rins (L5R) CCG : Twenty festival (20F) ADVANCED Rules Book - English.

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R ) CCG Ivory Edition Rules Book
L 5 R IE Basic Rulebook Web Pdf
PDF – 6,4 MB 34 downloads


<= Legend of the Five Rins (L5R) CCG : Ivory Edition Rules Book - English.

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG Ivory Edition Advanced Rules Book
L 5 R IE Adv Rulebook Web Pdf
PDF – 3,7 MB 32 downloads


<= Legend of the Five Rins (L5R) CCG :  Ivory Edition ADVANCED Rules Book - English.

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG Ivory Edition Print and Play
Ivory Edition Printandplay Avec Compression Pdf
PDF – 7,8 MB 35 downloads


<= Legend of the Five Rins (L5R) CCG : Ivory Edition Print and Play (Compressed) - English.

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG Emperor Edition Rules Book
Emperor Edition Rulebook L 5 R Pr Pdf
PDF – 2,4 MB 33 downloads


<= Legend of the Five Rins (L5R) CCG : Emperor Edition Rules Book - English.

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG Celestial Edition  Rules Book
Rulebook L 5 R Celestial CE 15 Pdf
PDF – 2,9 MB 22 downloads


<= Legend of the Five Rins (L5R) CCG : Celestial Edition (CE15) Rules Book - English.

4 ) LEGEND OF THE FIVE RINGS (L5R) CCG : Rules Books (Older Ones) :


  5 ) LEGEND OF THE FIVE RINGS (L5R) CCG : Several Learn to Play Box (L2P) Rules and Various Alternate Formats Rules :

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG A Matter of Honor Box
L 5 R Matterof Honnor Rulebook Pdf
PDF – 22,5 MB 24 downloads

<= L5R CCGLegend of the Five Rins (L5R) CCG : A Matter of Honor - L2P (Learn To Play (18/12/2013).

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG War of Honor Box.
L 5 R Warofhonnor Rulebook Pdf
PDF – 13,8 MB 23 downloads

<= Legend of the Five Rins (L5R) CCG : War of Honor Rules Book (Multiplayer type Game (06/2011)).

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG The Currency of War Box
Rulebook L 5 R T Co W Rulebook Pdf
PDF – 9,5 MB 25 downloads



<= Legend of the Five Rins (L5R) CCG : The Currency of War - L2P (Learn to Play 2014).

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG Battle of Kyuden Tonbo Box
Bo KT Rules Pdf
PDF – 5,8 MB 23 downloads


<= Legend of the Five Rins (L5R) CCG : Battle of Kyuden Tonbo - L2P (Learn to Play 2010 (Dragon Clan and Lion Clan in pre-built decks).

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG : Siege : Heart of Darkness  Box
Siege Ho D Rules Pdf
PDF – 1,7 MB 21 downloads

<= Legend of the Five Rins (L5R) CCG : Siege : Heart of Darkness

(Multiplayer Type Game Variant 2014 (Defend your City)).

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG Siege : Clan War Box
Siege CW Rules Pdf
PDF – 4,5 MB 22 downloads

<= Legend of the Five Rins (L5R) CCG : Siege : Clan War (Multiplayer format 2015, pitting 3+ players against one).

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) Honor and Treachery Box




<= Legend of the Five Rins (L5R) CCG : Honor and Treachery - L2P (Learn to Play 2012 "Phoenix" and "Scorpion" Decks) - PENDING.

Some of thoses products are perhaps available on site at this link !

6 ) LEGEND OF THE FIVE RINGS (L5R) CCG : Smaller Booklets Rules (includes in decks or Box ) :

=> Notes : Check the Title of the PDF to know wich one it is ! (Note : I don't have scan the "story part").

Aftermath Rules Pdf
PDF – 756,5 KB 21 downloads
Before The Dawn Rules Pdf
PDF – 2,5 MB 22 downloads
Coilsof Madness Rules Pdf
PDF – 222,9 KB 22 downloads
Embersof War Rules Pdf
PDF – 1,4 MB 22 downloads
Gatesof Chaos New Rules Pdf
PDF – 2,1 MB 25 downloads
Heavens Will Rules Pdf
PDF – 190,1 KB 21 downloads
Khans Defiance Rules Pdf
PDF – 197,4 KB 22 downloads
Second City Rules Pdf
PDF – 902,9 KB 20 downloads
Seedsof Decay Rules Pdf
PDF – 1,3 MB 23 downloads
Stronger Than Steel Rules Pdf
PDF – 632,0 KB 22 downloads
Theshadow Embrace Rules Pdf
PDF – 166,7 KB 21 downloads
Torn Asunder Rules Pdf
PDF – 1,7 MB 22 downloads
Wordsand Deeds Rules Pdf
PDF – 170,0 KB 19 downloads

AEG : Sword of Champions Plaque : It commemorates major wins by L5R Players over the history of the game during AEG years.

7 ) Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG : AEG Archives (including L5R Floor Rules) :

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) Imperial Gift I
AEG Imperial GIFT 1 TEXT Pdf
PDF – 33,4 KB 17 downloads

<= Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG : Imperial Gift I Text on AEG site (Archive).

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) Tournaments Results

<= Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG : Various Tournaments Results (Kotei, World Championships, etc.) including some decks card lists). PENDING.

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) Floor Rules
Floor Rules 2 12 15 Pdf
PDF – 641,3 KB 15 downloads



<= Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG : Floor Rules 2015 (latest AEG ones (20F)).

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) Judge Floor Rules
2014 Code Of Bushido April 18th Update Pdf
PDF – 380,9 KB 17 downloads


<= Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG :  Floor Rules Judges Reference Document, the Code of Bushido (latest AEG ones (20F)).

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG Blank copy deck list form
L 5 R Decklist Sheet 2015 Pdf
PDF – 275,7 KB 16 downloads



<= Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG : A blank copy of the official Deck List form  (latest AEG ones (20F)).

PDF – 53,6 KB 18 downloads


<= Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG : Strategic Format rules (2020 - unknown origin - not confirmed).

Just down, some great videos with complete game overview (How to play Ivory Edition (5 parts) and Emperor Edition (3 parts) Arcs. Thanks for their works.

8 ) Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG - How to Play : Videos (Brother's Destiny ARC - IVORY EDITION)  :

PART 1 :

PART 2 :

PART 3 :

PART 4 :

PART 5 :

8 ) Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG - How to Play : Videos (Age of Conquest ARC) - EMPEROR EDITION) :

PART 1 :

PART 2 :

PART 3 :

©  2025 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. Fantasy Flight Games and the FFG logo are ® of Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc.

All rights reserved.

Which has no affiliation with E.M. GAMES.