The Appendix ...
The Game rules book contains 37 pages that's a fact.
But I'm buzzy to update the Game Appendix... and this one contains 68 pages !
But so ... what's exactly the Appendix ?
This one is directly related with the game rules to put some more lights on specific game situations or game terms.
In case off some hesitations it can be very helpfull.
It's a big dictionary in a certain way with some extended game explanations clarifications.
It often answer to your interrogations in some situations or give some game solutions to questions.
It is so essential.
Impossible to play without it.
Thoses various terms will be listed all as well on the website for informations.
Game rules are fixed but the Appendix must be as well fixed for all game situations so I'm buzzy on it.
Almost finish...
Asap it is done, we can re-launch again some game playtests !
After : The Board Game owns is a kind of hugh game wealth with bunch of gameplay and possibilities that will shake for sure your brain !