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Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG:
Celestial Edition - 15th Anniversary (a different type of promo cards codify CE15).
*Release date : March 2010 - ("The Destroyer War" ARC).
*The Celestial Edition 15th is a full reprint of the Celestial Edition released 8 months before including decks who's contains exclusive Fixed cards (includes in this section).
*Each boosters includes one bonus flashback card more from a earlier and older expansions with the new layout and sometimes new flavour text, some cards from CE has been errated in CE15 and some other specific details (thoses ones are as well included in this section).
*AEG Product.
*Number of cards : 156 (CE15 Promo inc Reprinted cards errated or with different flavour text).
The rest of the cards includes in CE15 Booster Box are exactely the same as the Celestial basic Edition.