© 2024 Warlord: Saga of the Storm by Kingswood Games An official licensee of AEG.
Which has no affiliation with E.M. GAMES.

Warlord Saga of the Storm (ccg) :
Call to Arms (Power and Glory) (C2A).
*Release date : February 24, 2003 (create by players themselves).
Due to the numbers of cards of the set it was decided to split it in two differents B.B. .
-The "Power" B.B. contains mainly some new necromantics and illusions spells for your wizards, it contains also some new weapons for your Rogues characters.
-The ''Glory'' B.B. contains some new weapons and fighting technics cards for your Fighters characters, and some cards for your clerics. The Classless characters type cards were present for them in the two boxes.
*AEG product.
*Number of Cards : 300 total for the 2 differents Boosters Box.
-Numbered card collection : 1 to 150 for the "Power" B.B. .
-Numbered 151 to 300 for the "Glory" B.B. .
*Sold As : Boosters (11 cards), Boosters Box (48 Boosters).
-No preconstructed decks were released.