Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG. Test of Enligntenment. Shop.
Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) CCG Test of enlightenment Binder

Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) ccg :


Test of Enlightenment (TOE) - Direct to player set (D2P).


*ARC : Bug "Age of Enlightenment" (LOTUS)

*Release date : July 2006.

*English and Spanish language.

*It mainly gathered the result of many Kotei that selected a personality who became Enlightened.

The set was packaged with a collector binder, and a booklet containing information on each Kotei, including information about how each Kotei was represented in the set.

*Language : English.

*Fixed Factory Set.

*Code: ToE.

*124 cards.

*No foil cards.


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