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Legend of the Five Rings (L5R) ccg :
Emperor Edition (EE) / Emperor Edition Gempukku / Emperor Edition Demo Deck.
The Emperor Edition is the real basic Edition.
The Emperor Gempukku is a reprint of the Emperor Edition that includes 6 reprinted rare cards : 2 Emperor Edition, 1 Before the Dawn (Btd), 1 Second City (SC), 1 Embers of War (EoW), 1 Seeds of Decay (SoD).
*ARC : Age of Conquest (Emperor).
*Release dates : February 2012 for EE (cards are dated 2011) and January 2013 for the Emperor Edition Gempukku (cards are dated 2012).
*Featured Factions : Crab, Crane, Dragon, Lion, Mantis, Phoenix, Scorpion, Spider, Unicorn. Included new family House Guards and a Celestial for each clan.
*Code: EE for the Emperor Edition and EE Gempukku for the Emperor Edition Gempukku.
*428 cards (non foil cards) for the Emperor Edition.
*The same for Gempukku version but there was 18 new cards for this version in the starter decks that includes: an Experienced Personality for each clan, decided upon by a player vote from the Emperor Edition starters, as well as a card-draw Holding for each clan.
*AEG Product.
*Starter decks for both Editions (Crab, Crane, Dragon, Lion, Mantis, Phoenix, Scorpion. Spider, Unicorn but decks are slightly different for the Gempukku version (see just above)).
For the Demo Deck case:
At the end of 2011, there was as well some demo decks that were produced called Emperor Edition Demo Decks. Once deck for each clan including some reprint that will not appear in the Emperor Edition and with sometimes some slightly differences (mainly in flavour texts). All of thoses cards are dated 2011 and owns "Demo Deck" notify in place off EE. They owns a Fixed rarity symbol and a classification numbered on 127.
For the shop down :
Cards are not listed by alphabetical order.